6 Tips to Stay Sane While Working from Home

Advice from the Work from Home “Experts” at Lantana Consulting Group

Lantana’s employees always work remotely, since 2005. After all that time working from home, we have some advice to share in light of the remote work mandates sweeping the nation due to COVID-19.

1. Get ready for work in the morning

We’ll admit it: sometimes we work in our pajamas…or yoga pants…or business casual on top with sweatpants from high school track on the bottom. While that’s fine sometimes, getting ready for work even if you’re not going into the office helps you feel more confident. Plus, you’ll look great if you accidentally switch on your webcam during meetings.

Marte is always webcam-ready even though she doesn’t own a brush.
Malissa dresses for success and comfort…mostly comfort.

2. Keep a normal schedule

We know it’s tempting to wake up late when you don’t have to go into the office but avoid the urge to sleep in. We’re most productive when we work together and support each other at Lantana, and that requires being awake when others are online. Studies show that waking up at the same time every day helps you sleep better and waking up early staves off depression. That goes for your eating schedule, too – no one wants to work hangry!

Laura works diligently from her “comfy desk”.
Krisden is efficient – she gets her annual dose of sodium in one meal.

3. Create a home office oasis

At Lantana, we require each employee to have a dedicated home office space to use for business purposes. Having a quiet space reserved for work helps train your brain focus while in that space. Leaving your “office” at the end of the day, even if it’s just a desk in the corner of the room, keeps your work life from mixing with your home life.

Liora keeps her feet warm in her work from home lair. Unfortunately, she hasn’t trained her cat to put another log on the fire.
Emilie works from her home office hot tub. The kneading oscillator jets help her concentrate.

4. Check your tone

Communicating digitally is different than communicating face-to-face. When you write an email or send a message, you often come off as curt because the person reading it can’t hear your tone of voice or see your body language. To avoid miscommunications, we like to have a coworker read over important communications before we send them.

Kevin checks Dresden’s tone and suggests she pepper in a few more meows for emphasis.

5. Avoid the temptation to multitask

Splitting your attention between two tasks makes you worse at both. Phone meetings deserve just as much of your attention as in-person meetings. If you must multitask, choose your multiple tasks carefully and always double-, no triple-check your mute button!

It’s not a stretch for Heather to maintain a well-balanced work life.
Heather keeps her workspace neat and tidy even if she can’t hear her call with the vacuum on.
Hector always remembers to mute his toots.

6. Take time for yourself

It’s harder to maintain your physical and mental wellbeing when you’re home alone all day. Be kind to yourself and remember that you matter more than your work. Stop working when you normally would at the office and do something fun: go for a walk, make dinner with your family, or host a virtual happy hour with your friends.

Brian makes time for himself by riding his bike. He takes social distancing very seriously.

It may be April Fools’ Day, but our advice is from the heart. Working with your colleagues and clients remotely requires a sense of humor and appreciation for the power of common experience and culture. Stay home, stay safe, stay funny, and stay sane by checking out our Lantana Culture blogs for more work from home tips.

Special thanks to Reva Grimball for helping us sound just as funny as we are.