Our Solutions
All implementation is local, while at the same time, adherence to national standards is a prerequisite to interoperability and data reuse across applications.
So, how do you square that circle, when you need to comply with a standard and it doesn’t meet your needs? At Lantana, we’ve been designing standards for two decades and we approach the task with awareness of what standards can and cannot do.
A well-designed standard can, like a rising tide, lift an industry to new levels of performance, saving cost and opening new areas for application development. This is what we are achieving today with open APIs, transparent documentation, and scalable requirements that create a level field where everyone can play.
And we’ve been leading the way here since 1997 when we helped introduce standard industry syntax (XML) to healthcare, convened the meeting that developed the architecture behind C-CDA, co-founded The Health Story Project, and where we continue to lead today developing tools and methods that leverage both CDA and FHIR and implementing those standards on the DaVinci Project and other national initiatives.
For more information, see Involvement, CCNC Case Statement, and Blogs about HIT Standards.